Send Flowers CANBERRA, ACT | Same day delivery

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Generally when buying flowers the first thing to mind is not necessarily, should I choose a bouquet or arrangement? It's more about how you want your recipient to feel. There are a few reasons why a flower arrangement can be a good choice. Firstly, a flower arrangement is simply a beautiful set of flowers arranged in a container or vase, so that it can hold water and stand on its own. This makes it easier to receive flowers as the recipient does not need to worry about finding a suitable container or getting the flowers into water in a hurry!

Garden of Memories


A garden of heavenly blooms offers an elegant and timeless tribute, beautifully honouring the spirit of the most precious departed.

Garden Spectacle


You’ll want to put this colourful arrangement on your hit parade of gifts to send. Bold primary colours and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for everyone.

Glorious Gerberas


Brighten their day with this exuberant burst of beauty! Joyful bright gerberas make everyone smile.

Heart's Delight


What a delight! Six stunning roses put your love centre stage in this charming vase arrangement.

Hooray for Love


Put these words into flowers with this magnificent arrangement of red roses and white lilies accented with fresh greenery delivered in a classic clear glass vase.

Isn't She Lovely


Indeed she is! Show her with this soft symphony of feminine blooms, including roses, gerberas and carnations.

It Looks Like Love


Send this beautiful gift set including a delicious box of chocolates and delightful bear paired with a vase arrangement of red, white and pink blooms.

It's a Boy


Celebrate the coolest baby boy’s arrival with this charming box arrangement that arrives chock full of flowers in blue, white and lime. Perfect for baby showers too!

It's a Boy with Teddy


Celebrate the coolest baby boy’s arrival with this charming box arrangement that arrives chock full of flowers and a cute little keepsake friend.