Send Flowers CANBERRA, ACT | Same day delivery

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Generally when buying flowers the first thing to mind is not necessarily, should I choose a bouquet or arrangement? It's more about how you want your recipient to feel. There are a few reasons why a flower arrangement can be a good choice. Firstly, a flower arrangement is simply a beautiful set of flowers arranged in a container or vase, so that it can hold water and stand on its own. This makes it easier to receive flowers as the recipient does not need to worry about finding a suitable container or getting the flowers into water in a hurry!

Enchanted Cottage


This magical vase arrangement will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It’s so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today!

Enchanted Garden


Take a wondrous walk through this enchanted garden of peach roses, pink lilies, pink and red carnations and purple daisies.

Endless Lovelies


Timeless and touching, this serenely beautiful bouquet of peach and white blooms in a vase is perfect for everyone

Fairytale Ending


This exquisite arrangement of light pink and hot pink roses, is a gift that will long be remembered.

Fantasia Blush


Put a spring in their step with this beautifully blushing bouquet of hot pink roses, soft peach lilies and fresh green hydrangea. Arranged in a graceful vase, it's a chic treat for any occasion!

First Blush


Searching for a floral arrangement that’s fabulous and flirty? Look no further than this blushing arrangement, created entirely from blossoms in pretty shades of pink.

Floral Fantasy


Upscale and uptown. This fantastic arrangement is a beauty and a half to behold. Overflowing with gorgeous blossoms and delivered in a leaf-lined cylinder vase, it’s truly a floral fantasy.

Fly High


Make birthday spirits soar by sending this fabulously fun vase arrangement and balloon. Bright primary colours make it perfect for guys and gals.

Forever Fuchsia


Proclaim your affection with this fabulous fuchsia bouquet! A luxurious mix of lilies, roses and stock.