Send Flowers CANBERRA, ACT | Same day delivery

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Send your Merry Best with Christmas flowers and gifts from Florist Works! Our range of festive flowers will bring joy to their day and are a wonderful choice of gift to send when you can’t be there to celebrate with your loved ones. We can hand-deliver Christmas bouquets and arrangements, as well as Poinsettias which are a holiday favourite. Florist Works offers flower delivery throughout Australia as well as internationally.

Christmas Elegance


This season, give a Christmas gift featuring the lush beauty of red roses set against lilies in the purest shade of white!

Christmas Joy


A mix of lush ruby and pure white roses create a classic Christmas arrangement. A simple glass cube adds just the right touch.

Christmas Poinsettia


The red poinsettia has been a Christmas favourite for generations…and for a very good reason. It practically screams "Merry Christmas!

DC Christmas arrangement


Our designer's choice Christmas Bouquet will be a treasured gift, A beautiful Christmas inspired arrangement of the freshest flowers, perfect for the Christmas table

DC Christmas bouquet


Our designer's choice Christmas Bouquet will be a treasured gift, A beautiful Christmas inspired bouquet of the freshest flowers



Wrapped bouquet of red, green and white including natives like proteas, leucadendrons and gum