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Generally when buying flowers the first thing to mind is not necessarily, should I choose a bouquet or arrangement? It's more about how you want your recipient to feel. There are a few reasons why a flower arrangement can be a good choice. Firstly, a flower arrangement is simply a beautiful set of flowers arranged in a container or vase, so that it can hold water and stand on its own. This makes it easier to receive flowers as the recipient does not need to worry about finding a suitable container or getting the flowers into water in a hurry!

Pink Blush


Make them blush with this petite arrangement of pink and white roses

Pink Flora


Just fabulous! From its perky vase and perfect pink roses, to its textural greens and dramatic pink lilies, this chic arrangement is flora at its finest!

Pretty in Pastel


Oh so pretty! When you want to whisper your wishes for a wonderful occasion. Pastel tones including carnations, alstromeria with Soft greenery

Rainbow Surprise


All the colours of the rainbow are present in this fabulous box arrangement. It’s so bright, so brilliant and so unique, it will put anyone in the mood for celebrating!

Rainbow Wishes


Encourage a beloved friend to follow their rainbow with this bright, vivacious arrangement . Featuring hot pink gerberas , orange roses and touches of lime, the youthful arrangement pops with summery fun!



Let the green tones in this arrangement take you straight to a tropical rain forest.

Rosy Sunshine


This stunning arrangement of pink and yellow roses adds an instant smile to anyone’s face.

Say Yellow


What a bright idea! Send a summery treat to someone special with this cheerful bouquet of one dozen yellow roses in complementing vase.



Soft and bubbly, this arrangement including orchids, native & garden flowers with bottle of wine is sure to delight everyone