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Simply White


An elegant expression of sympathy, this wondrous white bouquet conveys purity and peace.

Smile Bright


Brighten Someone's Day with this charming arrangement. They'll love the gift, and you for having such amazingly good taste. With bright pink roses, orange roses and lime chrysanthemums.

Soft Blush


Like a whisper from heaven, the soft pinks and lavenders in this feminine arrangement bring peace and hope in a time of loss.



The graceful beauty of white lilies and opulent orchids is highlighted with an artistic, emerald-green backdrop of tropical leaves presented in a leaf lined vase.

Starburst Splash


Joyful moments call for happy flowers! This box of blooms does the trick with orange lilies, pink roses, yellow daisies and hot pink gerberas.

Summer Chic


This sizzling floral arrangement mixes purple orchids, white roses, bright orange roses in a container.

Sunny Spot


Pure sunshine! Send sunny thoughts to someone special with this bouquet of warm yellow lilies and gerberas.

Sweet Dreams


Treat them to a special surprise! Hot pink gerbera mix with pale pink roses and carnations in this delightfully delicious arrangement.

Sweet Thoughts


Share your sweet thoughts with this lady like arrangement of pure white gerberas, candy pink roses and soft white carnations.